St. John Chrysostom has a history of strong lay leadership that serves in partnership with the pastor and staff to build the faith and strength of our parish. In addition to more than 40 ministry leaders, St. John's is guided by a Finance Council, Worship Committee and Parish Pastoral Council.
The Parish Finance Council is an advisory body that assists the pastor in areas of temporal concern. Current members are: Fr. Ed Hallinan, Vince Barbera, Paul Gaffney, Tom Grogan, Maureen Hetu, Patty Linden, Michelle O'Hanlon, Tom Smedile, Mark Vacha and Glenn Ward.
The Worship Committee, chaired by the pastor, is a consultative body of clergy and lay liturgical ministers who meet throughout the year to evaluate, plan and organize liturgical celebrations. Current members are: Fr. Ed Hallinan, Deacon John Bowie, Mary Chollet, Jerriann DeCaro, Dana Farabaugh, Eydiejo Kurchan, Sr. Maria McCoy, SSJ, and Janet Ruch.