The love of husband and wife
is the force that welds society together.
St. John Chrysostom
Pre-Cana is a lay-led marriage preparation program offered twice a year for those planning to marry in the Catholic Church.
Our program is open to any engaged couple in the Archdiocese. Please note:
Space in our Pre-Cana program is limited. A completed registration form and payment in full are due to our office two weeks before Pre-Cana. Phone and email communications do not constitute registration.
Click here for a registration form or register online below.
Couples must attend the entire program, including the concluding Mass, to receive credit for completing it.
Our team is made up of married couples from the parish, who lead discussions communication, finances, sexuality, spirituality and other topics. Other couples help us with planning. We always welcome new couples to our team!
Kristina and Greg Clark