Are you a baptized adult or older teen who missed the sacraments of First Holy Communion or Confirmation? Are you exploring conversion to the Catholic faith and want to learn more? Wherever you are in your faith journey, we are here to welcome you, to support you, and to answer your questions, so that you can make those important decisions.
The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults -- formerly, Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA) is a process of prayer and study through which adults are initiated into the Catholic church. Whatever your path, we all journey together. It is never too late to receive sacraments. Come talk to us.
Note: For Catholics who received the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, but have not been active in the faith recently, you do not need these sacraments again -- no matter how long it has been. Please join us at Mass, and reconnect with parish life. If you wish, consider receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.